LUMI LOVE CLUB: Diana + Crystal Creative Designs
We first met Diana when we were starting SAINT LUMI. We were after someone who was not only tech-savvy but had an eye for design in particular clean and simple lines (and thus the SAINT LUMI logo was born). Diana is a wiz at what she does, her instagram feed showcases gorgeous branding and web design.
@crystalcreativedesigns |
Tell us about yourself and how you began Crystal Creative.
I worked for 10+ years in a few design agencies, and worked as a freelancer as my side hustle doing mostly wedding/event stationery, but after having 2 babies, I decided it was time to branch out on my own and offer branding and web design packages. The name Crystal is actually my middle name, and I thought it suited perfectly as my creative persona.

Any advice for anyone out there thinking of starting a business or a brand?
You might have times where it gets tough and you want to quit, but I know first hand how if you keep pushing through, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel, so keep kicking!
Where do you find your inspiration?
Pinterest is my go-to, or other creatives/designers I love following on insta.
The hardest part of starting out / being a business owner and how you overcame any challenges/stay motivated?
I think the thing that kept me motivated was my passion for being creative, and then having lovely supportive people or followers cheer me on through social media, and in real life.
Tell us about your AM routine eg skin products, routines and rituals?
I am a plain jane, trying to keep healthy and wanting to use natural remedies.
And now your PM routine?
Shower, and moisturise, pretty simple.
Three skin care, beauty or wellness items you couldn't bear to live without?
Essential oils are my go to, using on my skin, or in a diffuser or vaporizer for our kids.
What does self-love/self-care mean to you? Is it an important part of your day or something that may fall by the wayside?
I try to relax after putting the kids to bed, but unfortunately, being a mum that gets put behind. It is something I am working towards!